Our Professional Counsellor Diploma Program offers you quality training the high level skills necessary to work as a successful, registered Professional Counsellor
As a professional counsellor, you are qualified to provide individual and group counselling regarding a variety of issues. Our counselling training courses prepare you to counsel others in trauma and abuse, addictions, family and relationship problems and more. Our Professional Counselling Diploma program fully trains you to operate your own practice or work within an organization in a variety of counselling, coaching or group leadership positions.
You will discover an enriching career when providing valuable life-changing advice and helping others through difficult times.
Contact Rhodes Wellness College today at (604) 708-4416 or CLICK HERE TO APPLY for our Vancouver counselling training courses and graduate with your Diploma in Professional Counselling program
This program has been approved by the Registrar of the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training.
Our Wellness Counsellor Diploma Program teaches you powerful approaches to help others reach a state of balance and fulfill their potential.
As a professional wellness counsellor, you are qualified to customize personal wellness counselling programs for your clients. You motivate clients with a holistic approach that improves the physical, mental, spiritual and emotional aspects of their lives.
Our Vancouver wellness courses train you to be a positive agent of change for individuals and groups!
Contact Rhodes Wellness College today at (604) 708-4416 or CLICK HERE TO APPLY for our Diploma in Wellness Counselling program today.
This program has been approved by the Registrar of the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training.
The Addiction Counsellor Diploma Program provides you with the skills to help addicts break free from their substance abuse & other addictions.
As an addictions counsellor, you design and conduct counselling and coaching programs for addicted individuals and group clients. Your professional counselling skills help addicts end their problem behavior and addictions to substances, sex, internet, gambling and other related issues.
This program has been approved by the Registrar of the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training.
Our new, cutting edge Vancouver addiction counselling courses teach you how to help addicts conquer their addictions and regain their enthusiasm for a better life.
Contact Rhodes Wellness College today at (604) 708-4416 or CLICK HERE TO APPLY for the Diploma in Addiction Counselling program.
This program has been approved by the Registrar of the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training.