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How to Find Your Niche Market When You Become a Life Coach

Faris Khalifeh is a Quiet Leadership Coach and instructor at Rhodes Wellness College

Faris Khalifeh is a Quiet Leadership Coach and instructor at Rhodes Wellness College

Nurturing authentic connections with your clients is the foundation of being an effective life coach. The genuine understanding and empathy that arises in the trusted relationship between coach and client is transformative for both parties. Not only does the client feel refreshed with a clarified perspective, the coach is left feeling fulfilled and energized as well.

In order to tap into these genuine connections that make life coaching so powerful, a life coach must reflect inward. Only by truly understanding the power of their authentic selves can life coaches take the first step towards harnessing the power of a well-identified niche.

When Faris Khalifeh—an instructor at Rhodes Wellness College—identified his niche as a Quiet Leadership Coach, his entire career trajectory and outlook changed.

In the words of Faris himself: “It made a difference like night and day” (Khalifeh, 2016). If you’re looking to transform your life coaching career, identifying your niche is a meaningful first step.

Understanding the Niche for Students in Life Coaching School

When a life coach embarks on their professional journey, they may take two routes. They can become a general life coach, or they can identify a niche. A general life coach will coach clients of all types. On the other hand, life coaches who choose to specialize are identifying a niche. As Faris explains, “A niche market is a very focussed, targeted group of people that have similar interests or similar habits, or physiographic or demographics”. (Khalifeh, 2016)

Whether a life coach decides to identify a niche or not, the true purpose of all life coaches is to help clients uncover and realize their utmost potential. (Lifecoach, 2016)

The Importance of Identifying a Niche Once You Become a Life Coach

Students who set out to become a life coach might worry that identifying a niche will shrink their potential client pool. As a business instructor at Rhodes Wellness College, Faris often encounters this perception. However, with the expertise Faris has gained through his private practice and his own experience, he knows the many benefits of identifying a well-fitting niche.

“The narrower [the niche], the more opportunities.” Faris explains, “Because when you narrow your niche you’re more personalized, so your message is heard more. It’s more impactful, you’re speaking their language and the keywords they are using.” (Khalifeh, 2016)

In terms of his own coaching career, Faris experienced a significant shift once he declared his niche publically: “The minute I said ok, I’m a Quiet Leadership Coach… I got a different engagement and suddenly all the attention. People paid attention.” (Khalifeh, 2016)

Identifying Your Niche With the Guidance of Life Coaching School

There is no single correct way to identify your niche. The process requires personal self-reflection and taking inventory of your skills, life experience, and expertise. At a life coaching school like Rhodes College, students have the opportunity to identify their niche under the guidance of experienced and passionate instructors like Faris.

Through the business course he teaches, Faris equips students with the fundamentals of building a coaching business. In addition, the course also helps students identify their niche. As Faris helps students discover their niche, he emphasizes “Doing it in a way that they start looking at their value and their purpose.” (Khalifeh, 2016)

Faris encourages students to, “Figure out your values, what you’re passionate about, what are your strengths, and who will pay for your offer.” (Khalifeh, 2016)

Faris uses his niche as a Quiet Leadership Coach to inspire solopreneurs

Faris uses his niche as a Quiet Leadership Coach to inspire solopreneurs

Students in Life Coaching School Should Use Research to Help Identify Their Niche

In addition to evaluating your own personal resources, it is equally important to conduct research. Once you have an idea of what your niche may be, you don’t have to fully commit right away. It is beneficial to take a trial period to research and experience the intricacies of your chosen niche.

“In the beginning, learn, build, measure, and keep doing that until it feels right for the coach and for the client as well.” Faris explains, “Test it out, see if it’s working, play around with the messaging and see if it’s clicking with the market. If not, you can tweak that. You can experiment. It’s an ongoing process; it doesn’t have to be set in stone” (Khalifeh, 2016)

Are you feeling inspired to study life coaching in Vancouver?

Contact Rhodes Wellness College today to get started.



Khalifeh, F. (2016, 10 27). Director of Marketing & Career Development. (J. Stafford, Interviewer)

Lifecoach. (2016). What is a life coach. Retrieved from http://www.lifecoach.com/what-is-a-life-coach

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Rhodes Wellness College has been delivering education since 1996, establishing connections within the industries we and our students serve. Committed to maintaining high standards and safeguarding public trust, our programs are accredited and recognized by leading associations that uphold stringent educational standards, ensuring excellence and competency in coaching, counselling, nutrition, and wellness. Please click here to learn more about our accreditation and the recognition we have earned in the field.

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